Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yes, I was a vendor in a craft sale

This Fall I sold items at my first craft sale, yes I may sound like I'm 70 years old but I promise I'm only 22. I was by far the youngest vendor at the whole sale but that didn't intimidate me. I sold paintings, canvas art, Christmas Bulbs, wine toppers, hand spun pottery, magnets, headbands, coasters, trivets, wreaths and jewelery. 

Since it was my first time selling I had no idea what to expect. I thought it would be better to make a little bit of everything. I sold SO many headbands (by far my best seller), sold 0 wine toppers (I was really surprised by this), a few sets of coasters, a few trivets, a painting and some Christmas Bulbs. I broke even and made a bit of profit but I was a little surprised. I was selling items at a very reasonable price (especially compared to my competitors) but the type of crowd that was there wasn't exactly hip or on trend. I mean what was I to expect? A bunch of young, hip Moms coming to a craft sale? YES, that is actually what I did expect. Although it didn't happen exactly like that there were a few and yes they bought the shit out of my table. All in all I had an excellent time, had a lot of fun and got my work out for others to see (which is the best thing). Here was my table set up (how cute right?!) 

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